Friday, September 10, 2010

Analyzing Student Data in a Spreadsheet

This assignment was both simple and difficult. Creating the spreadsheets and graph were fairly simple, although I will admit I do not know how to manipulate the graphs as well as I would like. Hiding columns and rows, sorting, changing format - these things were all fairly easy and very much like my experience with Excel. The most difficult part of this project was embedding the three-page sheet into my blog. I finally had to google how to embed a spreadsheet which told me how to get the sheet embedded, but then I had to figure out how to make the frame bigger. After about three tries I figured that out as well.

My original spreadsheet can be found here.

Looking at the data, I found out growth measured in actual points and then by percentage. I then sorted the students by growth percentage. Eight out of twelve students actually improved by 20% or more during the five tests, with one student improving as much as 50%. This would lead me to believe that these students are improving and overall understanding the material better. Although not where I would like them to be, if they continue to improve at the current rate then what I am doing in the classroom is working for them. As for the four students that experienced a growth rate of less than 20%, the current lesson plans are obviously not working well for them. I think finding some time to work with each of them individually would be needed to try to figure out the best learning style that works for each student, or ask them for their input; what are they struggling with, what would they like to try, are there things in their life that is making it difficult for them, or are they just not trying at all. These are things I would need to find out at this point.


  1. Thanks for the thorough reflection on your experience and discussion of the trends and observations. I'll be sharing this with the class (if you don't mind.)

  2. No problem. My goal today is try to embed my Screenr presentation instead of link it - but it was late when I finished that last night so I went with what I knew.
