Sunday, September 26, 2010

OTEN 2010

So I battled the fog and made it to Pacific University for OTEN 2010, on time I might add - yay me! I was battling the first stages of a head cold which is apparent my be raspy voice on my yodio. Even so, I thought it was a time well spent and I am excited to bring technology into my classroom.

One thing I will add that I forgot to say in my yodio below is how great SMART boards are for teaching ESOL students. There was an example where the board displayed what happened to water as it is heated and how the particles are displaced, it was amazing! All I could think about was what a great tool to use for students who struggle with English, or just plain struggle with science! I definitely left the conference inspired, and then I got to go eat lunch with my sister which made it a great day indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Great ESOL possibilities, and discussion of grants ...
    Will await $80 solution.
